Friday, February 25, 2011

My bowl is full

Our second group meeting has now come to an end and I couldn't be happier with the result. Some ladies were out of town and others just not able to make it, but we took what was placed in our bowls and enjoyed. I started out my day with an empty but open bowl. Now as I prepare to jump into bed, it could not be more full. If you did not read our February book you are probably very confused. If you did, you know exactly what I am talking about.

Everyday Sacred was recommended by Erin. We were so sad that she was not able to make it. I would have loved to hear her opinions and input on the book. As I walk away from our meeting tonight I have many things to ponder. These were some of the things we discussed and are taking with us in our bowls...

First of all, the book was all about bowls. In so many different areas we were related to bowls. As women our uterus is a sacred bowl. As individuals our minds are bowls. We must always leave these bowls open. Like monks we must also take what has been placed in our bowls. Always accepting and grateful.
The book also put a lot of emphasis on not doing too many things, but having just enough. Do not let your bowl overflow. Leave it open, unless it is full.
There is so so much that was discussed with this book tonight and there is no possible way I could jot down all of our opinions and how it related to our everyday lives, but I will say that I have learned.

I am grateful for the opportunity to gather with friends to discuss. Some of the girls did not realize that the author had made an impact on them until we were all able to share our thoughts and relate to one another. It is so wonderful to be able to teach, share, learn, laugh, listen, and come close to tears together.

The book mentioned the story of Stone Soup. I have not heard that story since elementary school, but read about it in this story and in my family magazine in the same week. I thought it only appropriate to make home made turkey rice soup. All the lovely ladies ladies brought their own empty bowls, of course!


  1. I loved it and loved exploring ideas. The company was exceptional and the topic thought-provoking.

    I am sure Clark would appreciate the idea of leaving my uterus "open." haha... Just kidding, I know you didn't mean it that way.

  2. Natalie...HAHAHA!!!!

    I enjoyed this month as well. It was so nice to hang out with such great girls and get to chat about so many meaningful things.
